I've been trying to do the second Kelp necklace in off loom weaving. I am having zero success. I'm looking for a swirling, organic design and the weaving is forcing it into a more geometric shape. Here is a picture of my latest attempt. It's just got too many straight looking lines in it.
However, all is not lost! I've been reading The Lone Beader's blog, and have become inspired by the idea of doing this in bead embroidery. I think I'll be able to get the more fluid lines to come out. Check out her wonderful embroideries!
So keep it tuned here for more kelp fun!
Monday, March 10, 2008
This is SOOOOO Not Working!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Szarka's treasures have moved!!
Szarka, the gemstone purveyor I have blogged about before, has opened a new store online. She has the most wonderful stones and other supplies, and is an absolute darling to work with. Check out her new store Magpie Gemstones I know you won't be disappointed!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I Finished the Kelp Necklace!!!
I finally put together the wire wrapped kelp necklace. Here're the pics!
First the full view
And now the close up
Overall, I like this necklace. However there are a few things I'd do differently.
1) I'd stagger the kelp leaves up their chains
2) I'd put one starfish and one sea horse on each side
3) I'd drop the sea horse a little lower so it could be seen thru the kelp.
Other than that, not too bad for a first wire wrap necklace!
I'm now working on kelp necklace #2, which is done in off loom weaving. As my challenge for this next one, I'm working in free form brick stitch. It's interesting, because I'm such a fiend for regular structures like crystal lattice. I'm having to loosen up my style a lot. On the good side, I'm working with a color scheme I love (blues) so I only have one lesson to learn.